Sunday 20 December 2015

The Most Effective TV Channels Worldwide – What do They Have in Common?

When we look at the TVchannels across the global spectrum, we find that most channels lay out similar kinds of programmes in broadcasting news programmes, film-based shows, serials, reality shows, interviews, business analysis etc. still, why is it that some TVchannels become more popular than the others and capture a global audience, while others are content to cater to their own countries and still others are hardly watched outside their own local regions? Avinash Pandey the COO ofABP News, who has had earlier a long association with Star News, says that these TV Channels which are most effective worldwide have some features in common which other TV channels can adopt in their strategy. Here we are going to enumerate some of these features.

The very first feature that the most effective TV channels worldwide have is the quality of their programmes. They give a hundred percent in the quality of their programmes and leave their stone upturned to make it as best as possible, be it photography, editing technology, quality of sound or the idea that is being presented. They don’t make a hash of the arguments and present them in a jazzy manner. Rather, they spend a lot of time, energy and money in research, intellectual quality and in devising their strategy to make their idea attractive to the audience. Please note that these TV channels don’t produce what is perceived to be a “marketable” idea. They produce good quality, intelligent programmes and market it in an attractive manner so that the audience enjoys it. Avinash Pandey, with his long experience with ABP News and Star News, says that nothing compares with intelligent programmes produced with good quality techniques. You can see it on the various channels of the BBC, Discovery, History Channel, PBS or any other global channel that has gained respect worldwide. They have billions of viewers and are generating millions of billions of Dollars worth revenue not based on sensationalism and rating, but based on good, intelligent programmes that are done with high quality technology.

Another important aspect of effective channels worldwide is the marketing strategy. These TVchannels produce programmes that are of global significance. The trick is to make these global topics interesting to the local audience. Their marketing strategy picks on these points, which make their global topics interesting to the local audience of every country and region. They allow interaction with the local viewers on a continuous basis. They make effective use of technology to draw their viewers in every region to engage with their programmes. This kind of marketing strategy makes their programmes attractive to the viewers from different cultures and regions. For this they also invest in a lot of research about every culture and region of the world. They try to understand the elements of every culture which they can use to make their programmes attractive to the local viewers. Using these elements makes their TV Channels attractive and effective worldwide.


Thursday 10 December 2015

Avinash Pandey Star News Reviews on Celebrity Marketing on TV

Companies use a effective way of marketing and branding their products on TV by getting the celebrities to endorse them. Avinash Pandey, the marketing professional with many years of experience with Star News and now the COO of ABP News says that he has seen many new products becoming major brands by using the technique of celebrity marketing. This is seen as an effective way of marketing and branding because TV is the most powerful medium to increase the popularity of a product. Besides, celebrity branding further increases the viewership of the advertisement manyfolds because of the presence of the celebrity in the TV advertisement. 

It is suggested by marketing professionals that since it’s difficult to get a slot on prime time major TV channels, it’s advisable to begin at a small level and work one’s way up by persistent efforts. It makes good sense to first appear on the small, local TV Channels for interviews, talk shows, programme hosts and for entertainment programmes such as musical shows, travel talks etc. These TV shows introduce the person as the maker of a certain product to a local audience. By constantly appearing on these small channels, there is a good possibility that the viewership of the product and its maker will grow in size. Then, in a few years’ time, one can get a slot on a major prime time TV show. From this point onwards, one can keep on using the celebrities to endorse the product.

A basic rule about appearing on TV shows is to constantly using the same style for the products, so that the branded image gets fixe in the minds of the viewers. It is not a good idea to keep on changing the visual effect of presenting the product in different branding styles. Another rule is that the celebrity should constantly use the product, to make the advertisement credible for the viewers. The same celebrity should be repeatedly used for endorsing of a single product. This further helps in the branding of the product.

In the end, it must be stressed that viewers can be brought to look at the advertisements by using celebrities in these ads, but they cannot be made to buy the products just because some celebrity is endorsing it. Ultimately, the sale of the product will depend upon the quality of the product and on how pleased the initial buyers are with the products. It must be remembered that clients are intelligent people and they can assess the value and quality of a product on their own, regardless of whether a celebrity endorses it or not. It makes good sense to treat one’s clients as intelligent and give them a fair due in quality. This will sustain the popularity of the product in the market. But if the product is mediocre, then sale will increase in the first few rounds, but afterwards people will know to avoid this product. Hence, Avinash Pandey  the COO of ABP News cautions about over-dependence on celebrity marketing for the sale of a product. 

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